As an active participant, Marani has entered into the 2016 NAMM Show held in the U.S from 21st to 24th, Jan 2016. On the Show, Marani has presented their newly upgraded speaker management system - with 96kHz sampling rate, and more parametric EQs, acting stronger functions. Visitors there highly praised this new upgrade.
In addition, with its determination for amplifier products expansion, Marani also brings its latest release of amplifier modules and power amplifiers there.
On the show, Marani hears the voice from professions in the Prosound industry, and think more about ways to cater to, and better fit the Pro-Sound users.
Though Marani have huge harvest in this show, they won't stop any steps into developping. They are taking more active part into Pro-Sound+light Show in the coming days, like Guangzhou ProSound+Light Show and Messe Frankfurt ProSound+Light Show in Germany.